Author page: Lydia Kryukova

Mechanisms for Organizing Professional Retraining of Specialists in Accordance with New Technologies Introduced at the Enterprises of Machine-Building Complex

#5. Longstanding Generation
Mechanisms for Organizing Professional Retraining of Specialists in Accordance with New Technologies Introduced at the Enterprises of Machine-Building Complex

The possibility of the introduction of appropriate organization of professional retraining and the introduction of information technology structure in the machine-building enterprises. Educational institution is considered as the intellectual element of the logistics chain in vocational education. For the development of fundamentally new technologies proposed organization process reengineering involving professionals with a fundamentally new knowledge. As a criterion of the effectiveness of retraining is considered business income. The conditions to ensure the quality of training, developing strategic direction in improving the capacity of the enterprise. The proposed mechanism has shown the possibility of finding reserves to ensure the preparation of a management efficiency experts with balanced powers and responsibilities of participants in the introduction of new technologies.